The Real Cost of Losing Restaurant Staff Oct 03, 2023

Have you ever wondered why your best server or cook suddenly leaves and what that actually costs your restaurant? What if the cost is more than just monetary? And to be clear, I'm not talking about subpar performers. I'm talking about team members who are good at their jobs. Let’s talk...

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Creative and Efficient Ways to Interview Potential Restaurant Staff May 03, 2023

Just about every week during my group coaching calls with restaurant owners someone asks for tips on finding and hiring great employees. Restaurant owners share their successes with things like how to write job descriptions to attract employees who want to work in a great culture, suggestions for...

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How to Pay the Trainer in Restaurant Training Oct 25, 2022

I’ve established for you that it’s important to have someone on your staff who does the training of new employees. It can be more than one person, but the point is they are designated as the trainers, and they’re trained to be the trainers. But how do you pay the trainer? Stay...

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