A Collection of the Best Tips for Cutting Restaurant Food Cost Jun 26, 2024

 For this special episode, I’m sharing some of the best tips from previous episodes, focusing on key areas such as food cost systems, leadership, and labor cost. Today’s episode is dedicated to food cost. We’ll explore how high food costs are often self-inflicted, provide a...

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Recipe Costing Cards: The Oil Factor Apr 16, 2024

Have you ever found yourself meticulously calculating your recipe costs, only to discover that your food cost is still higher than expected? If so, you might be missing a crucial ingredient in your recipe costing: fryer oil. Let me explain why incorporating fryer oil accurately into your recipe...

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A Visual Lesson on How to Calculate Your Restaurant Food Cost Aug 08, 2023

How to calculate restaurant food cost is one of the most frequently searched terms on YouTube. I even have several videos on my channel this topic. So why am I doing yet another video on food cost? Because you, my faithful followers, have been asking me to teach it using visual examples. This...

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How to Control Restaurant Food Cost with Your POS System - Includes Demo Jul 25, 2023

If you're a restaurant owner, and you want to be able to really take control of your food costs, you need to understand how important your point of sale system is to that journey. In this video I’m talking about mastering your restaurant food cost and giving you a quick-start guide to...

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Food Cost Formula: Learn the Right Way to Calculate Restaurant Food Cost Nov 01, 2022

Rising food costs can crush a restaurant's profitability. The crazy part about this is many restaurants are getting worked up and in a panic looking at the incorrect number. When it comes to the food cost formula, there's only one way to do it correctly, and I mean one way. Stay with me and learn...

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3 Food Cost Percentage Formulas Sep 18, 2019

Would you like to know what the food cost percentage formula is for your restaurant? What if I told you there are actually three food cost percentages? Watch this video, or continue reading below, to learn what they are and how to calculate them. 

Most restaurant owners are paying attention...

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