Which POS System Should I Use in My Restaurant? Aug 24, 2022

There is one question I am asked routinely by restaurant owners: Which POS system should I use in my restaurant? It’s an important question because your restaurant POS system is more than an expensive cash register. It’s full of data and reports you can use in your daily restaurant...

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The Ideal Daily Job of a Restaurant Owner Aug 23, 2022

Restaurant owners often do too many duties in their restaurant every day to ensure it operates. From seating guests and bussing tables to prepping food and running expo, none of these tasks are where they should be spending their time. So where should a restaurant owner be spending their time?...

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Why Common Sense Is a Myth in the Restaurant Business Aug 16, 2022

Do you ever walk into your restaurant and think to yourself, who's the idiot not doing their job? It’s so simple, it just takes common sense, right? While it’s frustrating when people don’t do the job you want them to do, I want to share with you why common sense is a myth in...

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Ditch the Excuses and Take Your Restaurant Business to the Next Level Aug 10, 2022

Are you allowing excuses to stall your restaurant’s growth? While excuses get in the way of a lot of our personal growth, they bleed into your business growth as well. If you’re always looking for a reason something can’t be done, you’re not going to find a solution. The...

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How Do I Work Less in My Restaurant Business? Aug 09, 2022

Do you wonder how you can work less in your restaurant business? It’s a common question I get and it has many layers. But for the purposes of this tip, I want to explain how the restaurant owners I coach have a minimum of two days off in their restaurants, have time with their friends and...

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Restaurant Success: Expectation vs Reality Aug 02, 2022

Before you opened your restaurant, you had a romantic idea of what life would look like and then you actually opened it. Unfortunately, for most restaurant owners, the expectations don't equal their reality. But it can! Let’s talk about restaurant success: expectations versus reality.


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How to Use a Growth Mindset to Run a Successful Restaurant Jul 27, 2022

In my work as a coach for restaurant operators, I’ve found that resilience and gratitude are key traits of gaining a growth mindset and for being successful. That’s why in this episode of my podcast, The Restaurant Prosperity Formula, I share with you how resilience and gratitude can...

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Top 10 Restaurant Accounting Terms You Need to Know Jul 26, 2022

Does looking at your restaurant financial statements give you a headache? Do you ever wonder what some of the terms your accountant throws at you mean? If you feel like you should already know what key accounting terms mean, and you're a little afraid to ask your accountant for clarification,...

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Why Restaurant Management Checklists Are the First Systems in My Group Coaching Program Jul 19, 2022

Restaurant management checklists are the first system I teach in my group coaching program for a number of reasons. Of course I get pushback on them because restaurant owners say they’ve used checklists in the past, and they don’t work. For every restaurant owner that tells me that, I...

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How to Start Planning for a Recession in Your Restaurant Business Jul 13, 2022

Let’s talk about the recession. Are you asking, “What recession?” The talking heads and our government officials are all saying we are in a state of high inflation, and we could go into recession soon. How bad a recession or how long or short lived, no one knows. While I am not...

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3 Restaurant Business Principles Operators Get Wrong and How to Fix Them Jul 12, 2022

Are you tired of being a prisoner to your restaurant business and not making the money you deserve? Would you like to have freedom from your restaurant to have a life outside of the restaurant? After coaching thousands of restaurant owners since 2003, I have found three restaurant business...

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What Does Inflation Mean for Your Restaurant Business? Jul 05, 2022

Inflation in the restaurant business feels like it could be the knockout punch after the one-two combination that started in 2020. First the restaurant industry was hit with business restrictions and then the Great Resignation and now inflation is affecting your bottom line. The good news is you...

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