3 Things Every Restaurant Owner Should Know Nov 05, 2019

There are three things I think every restaurant owner should know. Want to know what they are? Watch the video below, or continue reading below, to learn the one thing you can learn to avoid failure, two systems that are a must and why the basics can't be ignored.  

As a...

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Why You Should Use Menu Mix for Menu Pricing Oct 29, 2019

Your POS system holds some great power in its reporting capabilities, including when trying to figure out your menu mix. For example, your PMIX report in your POS system can be very useful in menu engineering and menu pricing efforts? In this video, I explain all about that PMIX report. 


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The 3 Best Things About Running a Restaurant Oct 22, 2019

There are three things that make a running a restaurant absolutely amazing. As a 30-year veteran in the business, this is what I value about running a restaurant. Click the video below, or continue reading, for my take on what is great about running a restaurant.

Great Things About Running...

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4 Steps to Calculate Restaurant Food Cost Oct 15, 2019

Food cost is one of the most important things you have to calculate in your restaurant business. Mostly because it's a part of the most important calculation - restaurant prime cost. If you don't know what restaurant prime cost it, read this post on it.

To learn how to calculate your...

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Set Restaurant Prices to Make Money Oct 08, 2019

Where should your restaurant prices be set? How do you set your restaurant prices for your food and drink so you can make money. Watch this video, or continue reading below, to learn the answers and move forward with a strategy for setting prices in your restaurant. 

A big question for...

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Do Service Charges in Restaurants Make Sense? Oct 01, 2019

There has been a trend of adding service charges in restaurants that directly charge the guest for business operations, such as rising food prices and increasing minimum wage. Should you be using service charges in your restaurant? Watch this video, or continue reading below, to hear my opinion...

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How to Find the Cost to Open a Restaurant Sep 25, 2019

If you're looking at a restaurant as a new business, the big question tends to be how much does it cost to open a restaurant? There is a lot of information out there and it's hard to figure out the true cost to open a restaurant. Watch this video, or continue reading below, for my take on the...

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3 Food Cost Percentage Formulas Sep 18, 2019

Would you like to know what the food cost percentage formula is for your restaurant? What if I told you there are actually three food cost percentages? Watch this video, or continue reading below, to learn what they are and how to calculate them. 

Most restaurant owners are paying attention...

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Use Menu Engineering to Increase Restaurant Profits Sep 11, 2019

Menu engineering is one way to increase restaurant sales. If you understand that your menu is a sales tool, you should maximize it to maximize your restaurant sales. Watch this video, or keep reading below, to learn more about menu engineering and what you need to do first to make it...

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What Is a Recipe Cost Calculator Sep 04, 2019

 Are you looking for that magical recipe cost calculator? Most restaurants don't use any kind of recipe cost calculator and have a higher food cost and lower profits because they don't know what their menu items cost to make. Watch this video to learn the magic of a recipe cost calculator...

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What Is the Prime Cost Formula Aug 27, 2019

Have you heard about prime cost and wondered what the definition of prime cost was? Restaurant prime cost is the one number you need to know and manage to make any money in the restaurant business. Watch this video (or keep reading) to learn the prime cost formula and where to find the numbers in...

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How to Run a Restaurant Aug 22, 2019

Do you want to know how to run a restaurant successfully? How to make money in the restaurant business? Watch this video (or keep reading) to learn how to run a restaurant. 

As an expert in the restaurant industry, I have seen it all when it comes to restaurants. I've spent almost 30 years...

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