How Restaurant Owners Can Identify and Overcome Burnout Mar 08, 2023

These past three years have led many restaurant owners and managers toward restaurant burnout. As a restaurant owner, it’s easy to have a feeling of despair that has been almost impossible to shake. Between group coaching calls, one-on-one coaching calls and discovery calls, I talk with a...

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8 Ways to Reignite Passion for Your Restaurant Business Mar 07, 2023

Have you ever felt like you've had the crap beat of out after a long day in your restaurant? Like you’ve gone 20 rounds with the World Champ? Has this ever made you feel like you don't want to go into your restaurant? Or maybe each day is just starting to feel uncomfortable, and you don't...

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Can You Get Rich with a Restaurant Business? Feb 28, 2023

The restaurant business can eat you alive. For example, Ohio State University did a study many years ago that showed 59 percent of all restaurants fail in the first three years of business. The National Restaurant Association once reported that the average restaurant makes a nickel to 8 cents on...

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How this Restaurant Owner Exploded His Profits Ep 66 Feb 22, 2023

Every couple of months I like to invite a restaurant owner who has benefited from my restaurant coaching program onto podcast. It’s a great chance for the restaurant owner to reflect on all the work they’ve done and the results of their work. It’s also a chance for me to take a...

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No 1 Tip to Motivate Restaurant Managers Feb 21, 2023

A restaurant owner who builds a team of reliable and accountable restaurant managers is primed for success. When you have a team of people to lead, it gives you as the restaurant the freedom to work on the bigger, more strategic business moves. So, how do you keep this team of restaurant managers...

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7 Things to Look for When Interviewing for Restaurant Managers for the Kitchen Feb 14, 2023

Over the past 20 years of coaching restaurant owners, one thing has not changed: the challenge of finding the right kitchen manager or chef for your restaurant. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself you found the right person to later find out they’re a disaster of a choice....

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The Secret to Finding Good Restaurant Managers for the Kitchen - Ep 65 Feb 08, 2023

Hiring a restaurant manager is a challenge, but there’s no greater challenge than finding the right kitchen manager. A lot of restaurant owners look to chefs as an ideal manager in the kitchen. After all, they are people destined to help create an experience in a restaurant that results in...

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What to Expect from Restaurant Leadership in the Kitchen Feb 07, 2023

Is it better to hire a chef as a restaurant manager in the kitchen? The short answer is that there's only one difference between a chef as a manager in the kitchen and a manager with general kitchen knowledge. Regardless of which type of restaurant manager you hire for the kitchen, here...

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Why Your High Restaurant Food Cost Is Probably Your Fault Jan 31, 2023

After coaching restaurant owners since 2003, I can tell you with 100% certainty that what almost every restaurant owner wants to know is how to control food cost. It doesn't matter if they’re brand new to the restaurant business, or they’re a seasoned veteran, food cost challenges...

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How to Beat Down Rising Food Cost in Your Restaurant - Ep 64 Jan 25, 2023

I have been coaching independent restaurant owners since 2003 and I can tell you with 100% certainty that what almost every restaurant owner wants to know is how you can control your food cost. It doesn’t matter if you're brand new to the restaurant business or you’re a seasoned...

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Kitchen Systems Every Restaurant Needs to Use to Lower Food Cost Jan 24, 2023

Here's your restaurant owner reality check. If your food cost is higher than you think it should be, I’m willing to bet you're not managing your kitchen correctly. It means you don't have the right systems in place to control your food cost and if you have recipe costing cards, you don't...

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How to Make Your Restaurant Stand Out in a Sea of Competition Jan 17, 2023

How can you make your restaurant stand out in the sea of competing restaurants – other independents and the overbearing chain restaurants? The restaurant business is hard, and all the competition can make it downright scary. If I were to count the number of restaurants, just restaurants...

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