Restaurant Owner Success Depends on THIS Jul 28, 2021

The latest episode of The Restaurant Prosperity Formula is out now and centers around what I see as entrepreneurs’ Achilles heel. I’ll tell you right up front is holding oneself accountable. What I share in this latest podcast episode is what I'm seeing as a game changer with my...

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My Restaurant App Advice for Restaurant Owners Jul 27, 2021

There are a lot of restaurant apps out there right now. Heck, I founded a company that created software and an app to help restaurant owners with every aspect of their business years ago. I know a thing or two about restaurant apps, and I like to look at those that will really help improve a...

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Restaurant Management System: A Basic Approach for Restaurant Health Jul 20, 2021

Have you ever heard the phrase “garbage in equals garbage out?” You know what that refers to, right? If you use the wrong numbers in any formula for software or a spreadsheet, you'll get bad results. And when it comes to running a profitable restaurant, it couldn't be more of an...

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Restaurant Owners: There Is No Going Back to Normal Jul 14, 2021

For restaurant owners, the last 15 to 18 months have been the most disruptive to the hospitality industry since 9/11, like 9/11, COVID-19 has shaken our country down to its core. The business restrictions closed 40 percent of our industry. And like 9/11, food prices have skyrocketed out of...

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3 Mistakes You Make When Using Food Cost Formula Jul 13, 2021

With food costs rising every day, you've got to learn how to control and bring your food costs down. Here's the challenge. What is your food cost today? Do you even know it? I've been coaching restaurant owners since 2003, and I can tell you the vast majority of restaurants are coming up with...

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Why Menu Engineering Is Not the Answer Jul 06, 2021

Menu engineering is absolutely awesome. You can reduce your food cost by three to seven points when done correctly the first time you use it. Right now, that probably seems like exactly what you need. But let me caution you, menu engineering is not your secret weapon to lowering your food cost....

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How to Find and Keep Restaurant Employees Jun 30, 2021

Finding and keeping restaurant employees is a major challenge in just about every restaurant in the United States right now. Restaurants are extremely short-staffed, which means restaurant owners are spending all their time working in the business and can’t be strategic, and restaurant...

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Why the Restaurant Expo is Critical to Your Kitchen Jun 29, 2021

Are there days when your kitchen feels like it just can't keep up even though you have enough cooks on the line? Have you ever found yourself as a front-of-house manager or owner jumping in the expo window trying to help, but only making matters worse? If either these scenarios sounds familiar to...

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The 5 Most Important Positions in a Restaurant Jun 22, 2021

Do you ever wonder what the most important positions are in your restaurant? I want to share with you my take on what I see as the top five positions in a restaurant.

First, let me start off by saying everyone in your restaurant is an important part of a team. We're all working toward one major...

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Restaurant Accounting to Know to Run a Successful Restaurant Jun 16, 2021

In episode 22 of my podcast, The Restaurant Prosperity Formula, Anne Gannon, CPA of The Largo Group, and I offer our insight and experience on what the most successful restaurant owners we work with know about their restaurant’s numbers.

This episode is important because most restaurant...

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You Know You're An Entrepreneur When... Jun 15, 2021

Let’s have a little fun and play a game I like to call, “You Know You're an Entrepreneur When…” Restaurant owners are definitely living that entrepreneur life, so join me and play along.

You know you're an entrepreneur when... you find yourself answering simple questions...

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What a Restaurant Coach Should Do Jun 08, 2021

What is a restaurant coach and what should you expect from a coach? Why do you need a coach in the first place? Back in 2003, when I first started coaching independent restaurant owners, I viewed myself as a sort of corporate officer for independents, much like how franchisees have a corporate...

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