An Exceptional Restaurant Starts with Exceptional Restaurant Training Jan 12, 2022

While the last couple of years have made it difficult to focus on developing a great employee training system in your restaurant, I want to spend this episode diving into why training is so important to the success of your business. To do that, I’ve invited Joe Erickson to be my guest for...

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5 Biggest Restaurant Business Predictions for 2022 Jan 11, 2022

It’s a new year, and I have some ideas about it. We know what 2020 did to the restaurant industry. It was like a raging wildfire. Then 2021 came, with some good and some really hard stuff. For example, customers came back with enthusiasm but the labor shortage made it impossible to serve...

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Restaurant Business Tip Methods Jan 04, 2022

One of the most repeated questions in my Restaurant Transformation Intensive group coaching program from newer members is questions about restaurant tipping policies. And while this is mainly a member driven discussion, I want to share my view on restaurant tipping policies, which has changed...

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Restaurant Owners Who Follow this Advice Are Most Successful Dec 29, 2021

All too often restaurant owners operate their businesses on an island. While there is a whole world out there of innovation, best practices and support, restaurant owners often find themselves feeling alone, isolated and the only one who suffers from the constant challenges. That’s the life...

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How to Calculate Restaurant Labor CostĀ  Dec 28, 2021

Are you wondering how to calculate restaurant labor cost or whether you're doing it the right way? Restaurant labor cost is often a restaurant's biggest expense, other than an empty chair in your restaurant. Calculating your restaurant labor costs correctly is critical to you making money or...

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Why Mindset Matters When You Want to Lead Your Restaurant Dec 21, 2021

If you’re looking in certain corners of the Internet these days, there is a lot of information about mindset, specifically a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset. In my world, a restaurant owner with a growth mindset is more successful, better able to lead in their restaurant....

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Resource for Finding More Restaurant Labor Dec 15, 2021

The U.S. and most of the world are experiencing a major labor shortage, making restaurant owners operate in fear mode, constantly worrying about restaurant staffing. In this episode of Restaurant Prosperity Formula, I’m talking with Ryan James, who, along with his wife, Neely, owns...

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Your Restaurant Business Plan vs Your Restaurant Reality Dec 14, 2021

When it comes to the development of your restaurant business plan vs your restaurant reality today, can you think back to the passion you had when you developed that plan? Can you remember the excitement of making your dream a reality? You had a good restaurant business plan. It might have...

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Tip to Save on Food Cost with Your Food DistributorĀ  Dec 07, 2021

Food prices have been rising at record rates since the pandemic started almost two years ago and lower prices aren't on the radar for at least for the near future. Beyond menu engineering or signing up for a prime vendor agreement, what can a restaurant owner do as a quick fix to lower food cost?...

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How Restaurant Owners Can Support Employees to Reduce Stress in the Workplace Dec 01, 2021

The restaurant industry is known for being stressful and people who work in it tend to thrive in the fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled environment. It’s also known for being an industry where people turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as self-medication with alcohol, drugs, etc. It’s...

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Steps to Follow for Ingredient Costing and Recipe Costing Nov 30, 2021

Do the words “recipe costing cards” give you the hives, kind of make your skin crawl with discomfort? It’s a very common response! You know you need them, but maybe you're not 100% sure what the steps are to follow for costing out ingredients and for the costing out of the...

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How to Manage Your Restaurant Management Team to Success Nov 23, 2021

 Are you struggling to manage your management team? Do you feel like you know what to expect from them on a daily basis, but it just isn't happening? Understanding what they should be doing isn’t enough. Strong managers are essential if you’re a restaurant owner who wants a life...

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